26 ctiÆgrterit psuperibus inopum eel- ! trdignanicr intPOCa?® Mofes dir seife- deryafa have him equall hirnfelfe with the poore, and vouchfate to goe into the cells ofthe needy: the thoughts ofno- bilitie anddignity muff be laid downe, theymuff be refuted, where God may beehonoured , and fpi ituall good at- tained, in joyning with thole that are of an inferior ranke, who it may bee were in Chriff beforeus, and their an- ceflors were more godly then ours, whoare far more honorable in the eies of God, andhis faints, then we: where greater graces fit belowus, let us ac- knowledge their inward dignitie, as their inferiority does acknowledge our outward eminencie. And when wee are willing to doe thus, know that reafon, and religion, teacheth thofè with whom we have to deale, toknowand acknowledge that dsfiance, that God hash put bctweene us and them, never a whit the kite to give us our due honours and refpeds, because wee are willing to lay them downs, and deny our felves in them ; they will looke onus with that refpeCt that Hierem expreffes birn[elfe con- cerning Pala a virgin (who byher fa- ther