Mofes his Selfe- deniall. 27 they was defcended of c E ems, and the generenobi- noble houf of the Gracchi, andbyher 1Ü fau ita- sc xobüia°o, mother of Agamenj$on) Paying the was by birth noble, but by gr;.cemore no- ble; but let it beeaccounted injuftice, that outward worth fhould be refpe- ed which is the meaner, and that wee fhouh notacknowledge inwardworth, which is thebetter, Thirdly, we muff deny our felves, by being willing to fuller the molt difgracefull thing that canbeeput up- on us for the caufe of Chriff: though we thould have all our kindred frowne upon us, and calf us off, and fcorne, and account us as a difgrace unto them, wemuft be willing to bee deprived of titlesofhonour, ofalloureftates, of .11 that glorywe have, that weeare borne unto, to be imprifoned, to endureany kinde of torture, or death that God fhall call us unto for his names fake Romantu that bleffed Martyr was of noblebirth, andyetendured extreame tortures for Chrift, when they whipt hisbody with coards that had leads at theend ofthem,fo as they torehis fiefh, that his very bowels were feene, yet hee