Mofes his Sel.fe-denyail. heecrved out to his tormentors, that they íhould nIt !pare him for his Tbeo'Llib. ; noblebirth. Theodora reports of dior- e`P°'9° miff/4a nobleman in the King of Perfia his Court, becaufe be would not deny Chrift, he was put into ragged clothes, deprivedofhis honours ,and let tokeep the Camels, aftera long time, theking teeing ofhim in that baf: condition he was, and remembring his former for- tunes, he pit tied hirn,and caufedhim to bebrought into the palace, and to bee cloathed againe likea noble man, and then pefwade: him to deny Chriíi; he prefently rends his fIkea cloathes, and fa. yes , If for t:hefe you thinke to have mee deny my faith, take them againe : and fo with fcorne he was call ost. xlf'.rrrp. It is reported likewife of one Sumes a noble roan, who had and maintained a thoufand fervants of his owne, yet was deprived of all his eulate by the King of Perfa, and was compelled to ferve one of the toff abet and bafe of his owne fervants, to whom the King gave his wife that by this meanes hee might caufe him to deny the