Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

Mofes his Selfc r eHiall. the faith ; but hee not at all moved, kept his faith inure,' willingly fuller- ing all this wrong and indignity for Chrift ; we have divers later examples ofmen of noblebirth, who have been wiling to fuffer great things for Ie{ùs Chrif}, and in this have fhewne the true greatneffe of their fpirits. As that truely noble 44arquefïe of Pico, Marcos Galeacius, whole ftory is famous, and will makehim honorable in all fucceedingages; fie was a Cour- tier to the Ecnperour Charles tie fifth, Nephew to Pope Paul tt a fourth Mar- gaer of Pico, which is one of the para. diks ofNaples, Naples the paradife of Italy, and Italy of Europe, and Europeof the earth ; his fa her was not onely a Marguefe, but wasfo in favour with the Emprrour,as he was joyned eqqua lly in. comcniffion with theviceroyofNaples, to (way the Sc. pier of that Kingdom; his mother was of honorable paren- tage,herbrother was Paul the fourth , his Ladywas thedaughter to theDuke of Niceria, one ofthe principali Peers of Italy : yet being brought to hear a Sermon of Peter Martyrs, God pleafed ícß