-------- 30 I Moles his Selfe-deniall. fo to work uponhis fpirit, that he be- gan to enter into ferrous thoughts, whether his way were right or ncit, then to take upa confiant exercife of reading the Scriptures, then to change his former company, and to make choife ofbetter : his father was moved aginft him with fharpenrife, his lady wrought what fhe could by teares, complaints, intreaties, to take him off from that way : the moil part ofthe no- blemen, in, and about Naples, being ei- therhis$inred or familiar friends; they continually retorted to him,to take him offto follow their old pleafures toge- ther,yet at laft having further light lint into his foul, to fee not only the necef- fity of force truths that he undertlood tiot before, but l kewii'e of delivering himfelfc from that idolatry that heap- prehended rsimfeli defiled with; there- fore his refolutions were ffrong, to leavecourt,ar;d father, andhonours, & inheritance, to ioynhirnfelfe to a tare Church of God ; and according to this his refolution he went away : much means were u ed tocall him back, great offers ofiicties & preferments to draw hint