Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

Mofes his Selfe- deniadl. him;his children hung about him with doleful' cries, his friends Banding by withwatry eyes, which fo wrought u- pon his tender heart(hebeingofamott lovingand tweet ditpoftioto thar,as he bath oftenPaid, hethought that all his bowels rouled about within him, and that his heart would havebcraprefentu 1 ,and he thould there inflantly have dyed : bat hedenied himfelf inall, and chofe rather to live in a mean condition where he might enioy God, and the race of hic confcience, then to have the riches, glory, pleafures ofitaly,and oftheEmperoursCourt. The Hiflory of the Lord Cobham, that we have in thebot.ikofMartyrs, is famousin this kind : he was a man of great birth, and in great favour with King fIegry the fifth, fo as the Archbi- fhopTharswArundel!, dura notmeddle with him tillhe knew the Kings mind : the King whenheheard of ir, bad them have refpet tohis noble flock,andpro- mifed todeal withhim himfelf ;& after he privately lent for hiw, admonifhing him fecretlybetween themfelvs,tofub- mit to his holy mother the Church: unto