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1 32 Moles hts Se1feetill. untowhom he made this anfwer; Moil worthyPrince, I am alwaies prompt, and ready to obey, for as much as I know you an appointed Minifier of God ;unto you(next my eternal' God) I owe mywholeobedience,and fubmit thereunto as I havedone, ever ready at all times to fulfill whatfoever you than in the Lord command mee ; but as touching the Pope and his fpirituali. ty, I owe them neither fuite, nor fer- vice, for asmuchas I know himby the Scripture to be the great Aistichnfi, the forme ofp:rdition,theopen adver- faryofGod, and the abomination flan- ding in the holy place. This was in thedarkneffe ofPopery, above two hundredyears agoe. The blood- thìríty Papifts never left till theygot hisblood, prevailing with the King toconfent to his condemnation andwhen the fentí nce of his condem- nation was read, the ftor, faith, That this worthy noble minwith a cheare- full ,countenance fpake after this man- ner: Though ye judge my body,which is butawretched thing, yet am I cer- tain and fuse, that you can doe no harme