Mofes hïs Setedenyall, 33 harcnetomy foule,no more then could Sathan to the foule of ob; here were truely noble fpirits indeede, (hewing their nobility by refuting of-k, bybe- ing willing ro deny it for Jefus Chri(f. Ole that God would raffe up many no- ble fpirits that fhall be thus willing to deny themklves, As 1rtdg, 5 ., 9. VI heart is toward thegovernours of the people, that offered then(elves willingly among the people : bleffeyee theLord; theeyes and harts of Gods people are after you the nobles and governours, if ye offer your (elves willingly how (hall our heartsbee enlarged, and our members opened toblcfle theLord. As Ignatius fail concerning Chri(f ; myantiquity is Jefus Chri(f : fo let us fay of him; our nobility is Jefus Chrift', (hewing this, that we indeede areof the royal! feed; that wee are of truely noble blood, that we have the blood ofJe- fus Chritf running in our veines, that railes our fpirits ferre above wharfoe- ver honour our naturali births have railedus unto., It werea bleffed thing, ifthofe who areof noble parentage, yet in thecanfe 1) of v4miquitas mea, refies j Chrifßws,no- biditas no- ftra, refus ClirifFi,to®