Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

Mofes hú Self- dexiall. of God, they would not looke at what nature pathadvanced them unto ; But wherein it is the+t they are begotten a- gaine by the almighty worke of the grace ofGod, by that heavenly princi- ple, the fparkle of that divine nature that is put into theme That in thecaufe of God it were with them as it is Paid of Levis he muffnot knowfitheror mther. Wemuff not fay as thofe Jewes, mat. 3.9. We have Ab"aham to o1r, father, wee arcborne ofnoble parents ; but as phn to thern,fo I fay toyou,bringforthfruit or c 1k the axe is laid to the root ofthe tree Handnot to much upon the b'oodwee have, as upon the good we doe, If we would glory inour parentage, efpeci- allyglory inour ance1 rs, who h,+v: been godly , who have made them- ielves noble indeede b;r the worthy things they havedone for God andhis people; and let it bee our honour, ro c;, nrrnue this hoillurtoour family, ra- ther refolve to lofe our life, then to let cads honour of our family die in us; thatit may not be laid how did Reh- gìon flourifh in fucr a nob] family, for w or threeor morefucc:cifions t. out now