Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

Mofes htó Sefe-denyall. now al l is gone,everfnce filch a fònrnes timeall is gone, and things arc turned another way. It is a blared thing to have the glorious name of God kept up in.fucccftion in family, Pftdrv. 72. 17. we have a prophefic that thename of thrift fholl continue from generati- on togeneration : the words are fltabi- tar »ownejus,it fhall be childed,fhall be begotten fromone toanother ; the li- neal' defcentof Chrifts name, is more honourable then the lineall defcent of nobleblood. Plinie tels us that it was accounted a great honour, even the height offelicity, that in onehoufeand raceoftheCurios, there wereknown to bethreeexcellent Oratoars,oneafter an- other, by defcent from the father to the fon, and that the Fabii afforded three prefidentsoftheSenat incoµrfe,one im- mediately facceeding theother: ifthis fucceffionbe ro honourable, fo happy, howhonourable, hovcrappy doth the fucceflion of religion make families to be Weglory inour anceflors, let our anceftors bemade glorious in us : It is better, faies Chryfflom, that ourparents thould glory inus, then that we fh`vuld D z lore 35 Plin.lib.7. cap-4x. a?eliuseff ut in teglo- rientur pat- rentes, quant uttuinpa- rentibvsglo ricris. Chryr in11ádt.4.