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Mofes his Selfdenial. glory inour parents: Ave íhould do no. thing unworthy of our anceffors. It is reported of Bolellams the fourth, King of Poland,that he ufed to have the pidureof his father hanging about his neck, in a plate of gold, and whenhe was to (peak, or doany thingofimpor- tance, he took this piture, and killing it,faid;D:a rr. hither I with I may not do any thing remiflely, unworthy of thy name. Oh that many of our nobility, whole anceflors havebeen famous for godlineffe, would often have fuck thoughts as tilde; that they wouldoft confider how unworthy of the name of their nobleanceflorsthofewain are, in which now they walke I Certainly our parentage is a mighty engagement untous for nobleand vertLuous adions. I feenothing in nobility. to be do fired, tales Theron, but that noble men are conftrained,by it kindofneceility, not to degenerate tam the goodneffe of their anceffvrs. It is the happineffe of godly parents when they dye, to fee hopeoftheirgodlinefle to live in their children, to preferve the lives of their godly parents in theinfelves. Ambraf in Nihilaliud video in no- bilitateap- petendum,ni- fi quod nob:- les quadam nselfitate sonjaringun- tur,neab an- tiquorum probitace de- generent. HíeCO7J.tn Epi.