Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

l ç,1': a htc Set e- deniall, in his fia :eral l 0 ration uap,)n Theodoti ties, that thouü;ll .heodí'fiz S vet l$:'c is not wholly gone, for he bath left Hot :antis With other of his child ren,iii whom 7head ¡film Mill lives. Oh that it might be. Raid of many of our ancient religious nobility,that al. though thy begone, yet theyare not wh(lly gone, for they have left their relgiousrrulynoble children in whom (till they live ! b;at woe unto us, how miliv of them are gone, yea they are whollygen; nothinL', of their true no bility is left remaining in th:: it family, but onlyempty tic es. Ifmeannei e o parentage bfT a difho- nour to a child, what c ihvnour then is the wickednefs of child entonoble pa- rentage.It was the f peech ofone being contemned for his in( an birth, Tome, fa! thhe, y prentc are madea dffraeelbut we areadifgraceunto our parents, and whichin our confciences doewe think tobe moft eligible l It is better, fades Chryr. to be famous from a contemn ptible family, then tobe contemptible from a famous family ; This is thepri- viledgeof a trulynoble vertuous life, D 3 that 37 iheodofius tanttos Impe- rator recelfit a nobi r, fed non totks re- ce réli quit enim no- his li beros (nos in qui- bus deberxus cum agnólcrL re. a4rnbr. ix obit. Throd. Mïhi dedec . rifunt paren- tes, tuvero parentibus. Melius efi de contem- ptibílí cla- rum fieri, quant de cla- ro genere co*.:evtibi- lem effe. Chry( in Mat. 4