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38 4 Moreshu Sefe-denialY, omnes hi ;ncaïores tui fitnt,f te illis rit digrum Sen. p.44. Minimé De- us eft. acce- ptor perfora- rum, netdo tarnen quo palo virtus in nobili plus placet,forré quiaplus cla- ret. Bern. ad Sophiann Virg. thatwe (hall not onlyhave thole wor- thies, fromwhom we have come by a naaural l line, to be our anceffors,butall th- worthies ofthe Lord, whofe ver- tues and noble fer vices for God furvive inus, fhall be accounted our, ancellors. What abundance of fervice might be done for God, and his truth, if the nobles and the great oresof the earth, did give up themfelves and their ho- noursto the ferviceofthe bleifed God: if they did encourage the hearts of their brethren in joynin; with them, in do- ing or fuffering whatfoever God calls ' for I fay their brethren, for fo we have it, Nehem. ro. 29. Certainly Chr. =.{t will take it exceedingly well at their hands ; God is no accepter of perlons, yet I know not how, faits Bernard, venue in a noble mari does more pleaie, it may be, becaufe it is moreconfpicuous. It hanoblkrvation of Flierom, that ,Saint /oho who was the beloved difciplLwas ()triableflock, and therefore the rather beloved, in which regard he lieshe was fo known to the High Prícft , and did not feate the elves, fo as the other Difciplrs did ; Hee