Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

MafeshtsSege-denial'. ;,50 Heecou ldbrin Peter into the Hill, and he aloneof all rh:Difciplescould (land before hrift at the Croile,an:' receive tohim the mother of our Saviour. Werrfore ter us ads eChriftian no- bility to our natural!,and then to our coronets we fhall have added acr' rst of life, a crown ofglory; { o our coifly garments, the glorious alining robs of. a Savioursrighteoufncs, to out lewd-, andornaments, thegrac;s of tha,: bl f fed Spirit, more precious then Rubies; to olir chains ofgold, the goldenchicn offalvation, the linkes whereof arede- fcribLd Rom, 8. We have vaffds un- cles: us now, the whole frame of crea- tion íhall then be under us, and ser- viceable tous ; to our atendance fhall be ad&d theAngels, who (hall be our guard, pitching their tents about ut,,mi- niftring fpiritsuntous. Certainly there will be nohonour loft that is ventured for Chrift. tiitsfs who was ecinteht to deny himfrlfc in this honour he might have had, loft no lion, :ur by it for i od rai- fed him to theBrea*eft honour ghat ever anyman raifcd to beforehire, or D 4 in