Mofes his Seife-deniali, in his time. Flee who was convent to deny the title ofthe forme of Pharaohs tlanhter, had after,that great and high titles put uponhim even by God him- felfe, to be coiled Pbaráohs God, Exod. 7. 1. becaufe ofthat feare o him, that was itruck into Pharaohs heart, and the power he had to execute judgements upen Pharob and his people : God fpake with him face to tace, as a man (peaks to his friend , God wrought wonderful) things by him, and nude him the Princeand leaderof his pe6ple, and thatwas a greaterhonour then any hecould have had in Pharoohs Court. Oh therefore let it not be Paid ofyou, when God path any fpeciall iervice todoeas it was ofthofeNobles in zv.h. 3.5. But thenoblesput not their necks to the workofthe Lord. It is true,the Scripture faies, that thereare not many rich, not many . noble that are called, and every ge- neration findes the experienceofit, but themore tare,the more honorable, in thole who doe give up them(elves to the honoui~ of God, upon whom they,their honours, andall their goods depend. Doe not ífaine the noble- neffe