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;,,- Mofes his Selfe deniall. mile of your birth with the filthines of finne : It was a fpeech of Thcedorick a King; What does filthincfs of mind doe in fplendor of noble birth : what benefit is it for a river to come from a clear fpring, if it bemuddy r ye are the children of nob!es,and therefore hono- rable; to-were thechildren ofifrael,but God regarded not their birth, when their lives were wicked: he fpeaks this in difhonour ofthem,Amos9.7.areje not as children of Ethiopian unto me, o chil- dren ofIfael ? what r children of If rad to be as the children ofEthiopians what adobafement is this ? youareno- ble;be not as thechildren of the vileft of theearth before the Lord and his people, lay not a foundation of dip honour to yourpoffcrity, Ifni. 14. 20. Thefed ofthe wicked fhadnot be renosv- ned;they fhall not be ncble,for it is the fame word that,Numk.1.16. is ufedfor nobility. God forbid that any of you fhould have a thought that the Service of God fhould bea difgrace unto you, that it fhould be too low athing for you, that it fhould be countedadifparagement to you Ruid fací'- untordes rt- nimorurnin ('plendorenrt- talium af- frod.l.4. var. i9.