AIN Mofes híJ Stlfé-tietsyall. you too (loop unto it, that it fhould be thought a Elaine toyour honours oh no, it is finneonelythat fpxts and (bins yonr honours. Take heed of being afhamed of lefts Chria in any ferviceofhis ; his fern ce in themeanefl worksofir,is agreater honour toyou, then youcanbe to it. It is theunhappi- nefle of many who are of birth and quality,they lofe much C1irituall good that they might have in communion with Gods fervants in their gifts and graces, becaufeof that dJlarice that is between them; &although fome duties of religion are taken up by them, which may in their owne thoughts ftand with their honours, and corre- Ipond with their friendsofquatiry,yet other duties are looked at as too low, as praying in their families when o- ther helpe is wanting, inftri sting fer- vants, leaving unneceffary occafions and {ports, to attend upon the preach- ingof the word, calling over what of Godsminde hath been made knowne to them. The Holy Ghofi fets it out as an addition to the honour of thole noble menof Berea, Ails 17. IL. that they