Mofes his Selfedeniall. 43 they received the word wilh all readi- nelleofminde, and fearched the Scri- ptures after theyhad heardPaul preach, to examinewhat had beendeli vcrd to them After ofivald,Kingof Northum- berland; was converted by one siidan a Belo. Hr 'Biíhop, it is reported ofhim, that he t. 3. c.3 difdained not topreach and exprund to his fubjeds and Nobles in the Eng'i h tongue, that which Aidan preached to theSaxons in the Smtiíh tongue. It 'till remains the glory and re- nown of that young trulynoble Lord Barrington in the bleifed memory of him;that he was fodiligent and focon. giant in tholeduties of religion which nowazcaccounted fo mean and lowby many great ones. It is recorded in his life. that he praiednot only twiceaday in fecret, but twice with his fervants likewife in his chamber, betides the jóyning a the dppoinred rimes ofpray- er in the family s he meditated of three or four frrmons thathe had latelyheard every day ; every Lor.3s day morning he would repeat the fermors that hee had heard the Lords day before, and at night thole he heard that day. There