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Mofes his Seifedenjafl. There is no difproportion berweene fuch exercifes as hhofe, and thedignity ofnobility, ifthingsbe judged accord- ing to righteous judgement : there is in truth no denial of the h..nour oftrue nobleneffe in thefe, but b.caufe ofthe perverfe judgement of the world, there is neecie of much !elf-denial! to fub- mir to them. Theconclufionof this point is this ifyou would be indeed houourable,as your famous and religious anceflors have been, he as they were. Religion faves tous, as God to li, I Sim, 2. 3o. then; whohonour me brill honour. I have read ofthe Lacedcmonìans, that for the ftirring up of the fpii irs of yong men to nobleand heroical! enterprifes,they filed to have the Statues in marble or braífe of their molt famous worthies fer up in their Senate houfe, with this Epigram graven in golden chargers underneath, fi fueritis fient hi:. If you will be like there, that is, in vertue and famous actions, eritisficutilli, you thall bee like them in glory and re- nowrte. Thus the memoryof the fuc- ceeding generations after worthy anceítors