Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

46 Mofes Selfe-deniall. inrire, and theirconfciences unfpotteda As Flacvianus in Vejafan#s his Court, Dorotheus in Dioclefans, Zertntíms in Y4- lentinians, &multìtur eof others might becnamed in all fucceeding generati- ons. Court- honoursare to bee denied for Chi i l., for theyarc his, it is he that hath raifed us in thefe, higher then o- thers. And though they bee bleffings, yet not fogreat, that we fliould gru ge Je- fus Chriff the having the honour of them;the leanofhis honour bath more excellency in it, then all thefe in the heigrh ofthem, and ten thoufan, ° times more then theta: for r here is a vanit y in them ail : weknow Salomon, who had the higheff of themthat ever were, yet he taw, andhld the experience ofva- nitie, yea exceedingvanity, aria vexation of iirit tobe in them : obierve his tx- prcffion; Firíf,vanity, not vainonely, but vanity it lelfe. Secondiy, excefive vanity, for it is vanityof vanity. Third- ly, a hope of vanities, forit is in the pturall number , vanity of ,vanities. Fourthly, oliovanity Fiftlg, he adds his name to thathee faith ; fayes the Preacher