Mofes his Selfe-denial. Preacher, Choletb... the word fig the foule that hath gathered wifdotne, or the foule that is gathered to the Church , as fogrte. WhenDaniel,chap. 4. had the vifion of the eftatcof the foure great Monar- ,chies of theworld ; the Perfian, Chaldk, an, Graciai, andRemane, it was (et out untohimby the foure winds; what arç all theEmpires, all thedignities of the world, butas wind r There i no mall- tie in thefe brave Court things, which are fo admired and magnified by the molt. When Agrippa and Bernice came in great pompe to taie judgement feate, Adds sS. 23. it wasall buta moere fan- cie,for fo thewordsare in theoriginally they came with much phancie. Ho- nour is bur a fhaddow, and when it comes from thefe outward things, it hath not the dignity tobe fo much as the fhaddow ofa fubftance . for all thefe outward, things are as thlddowes, 'rev 8. 20.2 r. Wifdome there fajes, that fhee leads in thepathes ofrighteou[ wife, andrn themidi ofthepathsofjndge- ment, that*maycafe theft that love her /rQAï4Mt 90iaorat.