Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

Nemo iffo- rumquos di- vitiee 9 ho- nores in alto fafitgiopo- nunt magnuws et,fed ideo magnaws vi- detur,quia ilium cum bari f ii me- tirais. Pumi- lio magnos non eft, lice; in monte con/iiterit, eoloffls mag- nitudinem fuamTema- bit, etiamfi ffeterit 171 puteo.Sen. E13.77. Mofes 6ii Selt-deniall. to inherit fubflanee : the word fubftance is traníared by fame, id quod eft; that which is that which hath a being, as if nothinghada being ,as ifnothing could be called a fubfhance, but that which witdome (that is, grace and godlineffe gives to in herite.Thefa/lßionof tbrs world paffeth away a fayes the Holy Ghofi: the word in the originall fignific:s the fitrfiicei the osutftde; as ifall the things of the world were a mere J7irfiabè, ar°d a vaine outride. The fhadow ofaman may be longer or thorter, but the man re- maïnes the fame fhll, it adds nothing to the man: honours andpreferments may bemore or leffe, but the man retnaines the fame hedidbefore. Nomart, }ayes Seneca, whom riches and honours let high, is therefore great, he only fèer s fo, becaufe wee m-eafure him with his Balls ; but f et a dwarfe upon a inoun- taire, he is not higher, and fet a migh- tyhigh flame in a pit, it is not the lede. Wheru gold israiled from twenty fhil- lings to two and twenty, the goldwas as good before as it is now,it is the tame peece í1i11 thatthen it was, the raifing of it is oñcly intheeftimation of men. it