Motes his Selie- denial'. 49 It is fáid of Elias°trey .1faiah, chap. 2 2.V. 24. they 111 111 hang thehonourof his f hers houle upon him ; honour is but an external! ädditaricnt, there is no in- ternal! excellency in it. Great Inter in a word let gut with gaies, take ap more rootne then others, make grea- ter thew in the word thenother letters, but they adde no more to the fenfe of the word then other'sdoe : fo menen, joying great honors tea the world, they carry a greater port with them, they hake a greater thew theta others, but the- men are n,;t the better for therri. ,Notwirhifanding all the outward hq- hdurs of Alitioektos Epp/Janes, yet ítill the Scripturecalles lain a vileperfon,as Am/el chap. t t. z . álf thcfe things areameere fable.WhenAu,silfr a C.ë/ r wasmere to death, who had beenEui- peroururic yea res, and living inmuch glorytindpomp, comniandiragalmoft all the knownworld, yet when hewas todie,hc lawall thathe hadcnloyed to be bina meere fible;for thus heexpref- fes hirnfelfe to them that *ere aboit him, Have not I flemied tohave tied; partMiami" in thisfacileof'the riorld ? E tut An non ter-- fenzmmoon irabat mnndi f'abuli Otis córaàde egijTe videor? 'W- ineergo, plaudite. Sncton. in riiuk