Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

5o Plearu res to be de' nyed for Ch.riíro Mofes his Sel f-deniall. But if there beno reality in honour, yet it maybe there is fornething in plea- fures, men feele fomething, they think there is fuch areality in'-hern, that in comparisonof there: , all other excel- lencies that arc fpokcn of, are jitiged by thembitt irleerc imaginations : but ifthe es.c.l lencie of thefe may pat , ac- cording to the ju4istent of the holy Ghot, it that fentence that hebath. paf fedupon themmay (land, there is no- thing in there neither; which appeares by the comparing of two places of fcripture, In the fixthchap, ofthePro- ph:fie of Amos, and thefourthverle, he charges the Courtiers of riotouíneffe ; for it appeares, that thoughbefore hee wasa heards man,yer nor he is a Prea- cher to the Cour:, .Í nos 7. 13. that rio- touthefle which he charges themwith- al1, he exprelfes thus ; r bey lie Imbeds beds ofivorie, andJiretch themfelves upon their couches, andcat the lambs opt of the f ocke, and calves out of the midft ofthe flail . They would have the belt of every thing whatfoeveritcofl them ; calves in the tcidft of the flail were the beta Theychant edto thefinned of' the vìole, 4r7d issotot