Mofe s his SeJe-cfênyafd. invented to them?it es òíiruments ofrns- fack like D4vicd; that is, molt curious ar,d exgsllllt it irun eats, not like Davidt inftruments to Fade theLord by, but as Dauid intended the beft inftrunients hecould to ferveGld by: ; fu they in- vented thebell that couldbee got, and laid out much charge for them, that they might more fully ferve their lu1t by them. They drinke wine in bowies, andannoint themfè`ves with thechiefe oint- ment and theft they give up themfelvs unto, fo as they mtnde nothing elfe; they care not what, becomes of any thing, fo be it They may freely enjoy the p,eafi.lres their hits: Theyare not grievedfor the afflict-lionof*ph, This their lifemight feecn to fore a molt brave and definable life, but marke what the Holy Ghost fajes of it in the fame Chapter, verse thirteene, Tee which rejoyce ina thingofnought, all thefe pleafures put together were in a true judgement but a thingof nought ; Res nibili, they had nothing in them; whenwe feed upon thofe,wedoehat feed often a, fhes, anda fedoced heart h ythdecei- ved Tay 44.20. that Irecannot fay, s E, 2 there