Mofes brs Selfdenial!. therenot a he inour right hand ? theydoe moíl certainely put a lye into our right hand, that is, they make us to ute our chiefcíl ftrength for that which is no- thing elfebuta mere lie, and yet they doe toenfnare us,and fo groffely reduce us,that weecannot fay, is there not a lyein my right hand ? we cannot fo much as queffion with our felves : Are there the things that we were born ford are there thechick good of thole that are raifed to fuch an high effete e are there not o- ther :Ehinäs that God requires of us to looke after a we cannot thus fay in our owne thou hts, Is therenot a lye in our right hand?Much is the evill and unrea- fonab eneffeof our way, that ifwe did but fay thus in our owne heart, wee would loonbeaihiredof it, confoun- ded in it; and our hearts would quick- ly turneaway from ir. But by the favours of the court, a manmay raite his e ate fo, as tomake him, andhis, that follow after, great; there is forne realitie in richer, is there not:' No, not in riches neither, for fo faitsSolomon,Pro. z3.5. wilt thou [et thine eyes upon that which is not ó for riches certainly: Riches to be denyed fop Ciiria.