Mofes bis elfe-deniall. certainly nsakethensfelves wings, they flic ,away ne aye Eagle. Obtervegrit,the ly Ghoft faits that riches arenot areno- thing thofethings that makemengreat in theeye of the world, are nothing in the eyes of-God a cipher is nothing in its feife, yet put a fi ure to it, and it is fòmething. SecondlyWeivc,theHo ly Ghoft would not have us fo much as fit oureyes upon riches, they are not obj :ttsworth the lookingon. Third- ly obferve, with what indignation hee fpeakesagainft thole that will let their eyes upon them ; wilt thou fitthine eyes uponthat which is not? as ifhe should fay, what a vaine, unreafonable, fottifh , fenfeleffe thing is ite Fourthlyobr eve, that he fayes their parting from is is by way of iltght, that is, a fi,dden, a fwift, and irrecoverable motion. Fifthly obferve that this flight is by the wings ofan Eagle, which is the molt fudden, themolt t gift, and irrecoverable moti- on. Sixtly obferve, none need put wings upon than to fly away, for fo faycs the Text, they make to theme f lees wings, there is matter enough in tnem- felves towork their owns corruption, E 3 and