Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

54 Mofeshis S'elfe-denrd, and to put themfelves into a flight. We thinke when wee acre called to denie fuch rìchcs, plea ihrc , and ho- nours, t!-at then we arecalled todeny foregreat thing ; but the truth is, had we an eie todilcernthevanity of them, weThou ld fee that we a recalled todeny nothing but a meer fancy, a thing et' nought,and that which is not. Oh that the glory , If the world were dai kmd in our eyes,as óne day it íhall`bc,that it might not bee fo deareunto us, as to thinke it Inch a great matter to partake with any thing in ir, in thecauteof le- fus Chriff. Riches are tootnean things for a trulynoble fpirit tube taken with all :ifgenetoulhris offpirit can floc rai e above cony, where is the glory of ir. Luther profeffech th -;r rile fin of cove- toufnelie, he faw íobafè and vile, and his fpirit was foabove ir, that he was not fo much as tempted with it. That which is °b!ervcd of Il/hua, makes him a glorious example to all great men. He was the divider ofthe l=nd to 1fraet,andkftn-one tohimelle, and that portion that was given him, andhe contented withall, was but a mean