Agracioto rpirit, of thz: Sun fhinirg in agarden, and the light of torches 5 tP.ere is the influf:nce .ci'fan inIivenng p3vtter in the one, riOr in the other 5 fuchdit-rence there rween the light in the fpi"rici ofth w ic- I'f,0men, at the light 1piri's of ttegodly : it is the knowledge of the holy, that tstru. uncT,er itanci ing Pro 9. io.An-1 a man of fuch und rat ding,is of anexcellent fpit it ind( ed,Pro. 17.27. ?This is that ix, Inch he 1,o1., Ghoft cats Spirituall underftanding, Coli 1. 9. to diftingttifh ir from that underftanding , that is in nattyall tner4.5, they fee into Spiritual thing S after Libtiter Fr anner then othamen they fee the rellitY, beauty', excellency, gtory of thern, which are hidden from droffie Vile fpi- rits : the Gofpel is laid tobe aingery, re- vealed to theSaints,Co1.1.26.TheLary and teflimonie) are_tidedand bgitndup arnongli the diirciples,Ef.2.16. TheLord deligt:ts to reveale ,himfelfe to menof excellent fpirirs, who are onely fit to dolewith divine and fpirituall truths.As nonecan teach foas God :cachet:1. ob3o.2fO none knows the things of God fo as the godly doe; they behold them as with