a choice and apresiousfpirit. c;odlymin is thong in theLord, and in p®oie.rof his ix¡ighr,. Ephef 6. io. Other men are ílior1 in thei; lulls, and in the power of them againit the Lord and his truth, Secondl tl,ey ranovercome tirong corrupci,nPe ternp:a{io:is from wi;h- out have no l'?ch w r?as co° ruptions that re ;<<et wl°en tfaFfe rife up like a fioád, ibis Spirit ofthe 'Llrd in thewfeet.t- trp a fawardagareyithe*, Flay. 59?19f Yea; by coc:r.ary ít:earnec:>p- r poferh andovercomes thèmeThemore futableanyeonup :i6n isTo the natural' difpoftäon,the more powerfusly id-14th hez etQforw prevailed; themole ttrong- ly ir. vïoWd nyyv pu for, h ir. felfe, the more doth í'rrit keep it under a- bove all other. Every oidinary tpirit can ppofe, andbeable to- refill fome meane, con:emprib l';n, whichbrings littlep';eaáure, or profit with ït: when fin is, as it- Wereweak ncd bchum- medbyaiflitious , tLen theycancaft it off: when the itret;grhof it is abated for want offewell, for wan: of opportuni.. ties of ading , for wanc of bodily arength to paz it f:Jrth, then they can leave