kiofes his Selft- Old; why rah bis Father was' a 13d. when he b gat 4br4havs but llegaufo brabaos haJhisch ildby Faith, thex . fill:eft wits a grcat xmater And lo inall oh r things that wchave,doPOPfufft r; ifthey be byfis;th)they aregre4things. CHAP. XV., confirt to thofè whohave true Fait& I F Faith-be that grace that will carry a fou le through the hard& things then firm is co 1.-1 fort to ttrofewhohave trueFait you have that whicit will up,, hold you, wh ch will certainly- beare you our, , and f!tety , andcomfortably carry you through agthe trouitixs that you caiR meet withal' in this World : When you hearof,th'emanv aftlis%ons that Godspeopleare exercifed,withall,' and the many troubles through-which We mull ivfLe toHeaven,be not difcou- raged , yOu have mole tivuyour QWn ftrength. Its a piatable fpcech of Cy- prian, t-le that once overcame death f®r altOkcsovercomes death in so you have more with you then againft you ; God bath given you that which will P aren - . m tro ntr- bis mortem fenOlvicit, feinPcr vincit innobisCyfr: ep.5(. -4