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T o Credere 2. erarc Amare De- um cum fe prtbctivi 1111;1074. Mofes hu Setfe-aeniafi. ovisas firong asever; yet if frill you can co ntinue,vot onel7 tty, praftifeof holy duties, bur love unto them , this is a grear Worke of Faith. The h ee larttr, are Lotbers three dif4eirlt/::.'s of FLith, ,namely 'fir'', To beleevitkngs ioltyrble to reafina;- fccond- ly, To bo for th-ists that are deferred. and thirdifv, God, whenhefiewet himjelfil to ge 4nememie Iffaith can doe thete things, thcre is nafeare, overcome all outWird- difficultics that poffibly can befall.' CH1AP. XVI. Tke rit6ites to matniairieandflrengthen our F L AIlly, if Faith be the Grace that carryes throughall, 'then it is our *ifedorne, to labour what wee can, to mainraine and ft!engthen our Faith Let us looke efpecially to that wherein our cheifeftrength lyes ; let not a Dali- lab, let not anycarnall content get a- way, no nor in the katt degree abate our ftrength ; Ict us be lure we looke ro our Sheild that that be fafeand found. As