Mofes hi SeIfe-denholl. your fate,commit your felfwholly and oncly toyour loving Fatber, :Then hall his power be in you and make you ftrong, he fkill ret 'tut his trail byyou wonderfully tam Itr'ore foryou above all yourheart And obferve this rule, labour to itrengthen and ex. rcifeyour Faith, be- fore out hearebetno deeply affceted with yt tit affilMon' Wetfnally have our firff angalikleft thouchts upon our T roubles, M fpend the ftrength ofour fpirits in poring upon themord tireour ftivetin the workings of ourunbclee- ving.cifcontehtedfpirits,gtsiiiig liberty tothe reafortings of our heaiti:fo that we are ftlike before any pkolife can 'out, we are not able tol.a,feup our fives, to looke at a proriiiE : But our way fhotild be, whatfòtvei our condition is-, fiat to endeavour ro ftrtngthenour Faith, and thentohake ouraim= to God, iv s did EthanPpl. 89 This Ethan, mentioned ason ofthe wi- fat met, upon theearh, andh- fhewes his wifedome much in this, that in a time of the great afflietion of the Church, 40.111110.01.1.16.