Motes his Sc deniall. Chuxch, he beingfen(e ofit, anda- bout tomake his complaint to Godof it, yet hebegins with railinghis and the C hutches Faith,in then ercyand faith. fulne:ffe, andpower 9,1-od, before he will makeany mention of theircalaini- ties; he Both not begin to make his moanefor the miferies of the Church till the thiity eight vçrfe,butall before is nothing but Argumet l to raife 4nd i rengthqn 'Th:1)141140, put tìia&forth. in the exercifeof i, A -i a j ,,,r , ThusWefts, Ffal. 9o,i)eírtcabou z:. to complain of the mifcries ofGods p, ci- ple,that they wFr confit tedbybison, get, andtroubled by h=s:wrath, yertbe -ti gins with the acknowledging of GA .ds goodnee, with Argumcnrs to liming thenFaith. Lard tM, haft been ow- divela ling place,, in all generations from erer 1a lung te , rvcrla f fing .tl a,av t God. And thus David, P[4 37. t. beforehe beginner hiscomplaint, he laiesdawn' thisconclufion 7ruely G,od ISgood to ¡Ç rael, eves tofoci) as areofacdeaneheart. FINIS.