a chice andapreciosliirit greateft afflictions; your fpiritscanbear nothing, they arechildi h; poore weak fpirits,not to be lccounted the fpiritsof men. La an itaa boatfs ofthebravenes ofthe fpirits of theMartyrs inhis time, in this refpea; Our children and wo- men ( not to fpeakeof men`) doe in fi- lence overcome their tormentors , and the firecannot fetch fo much as a figh from them. Fiftly, theyaregenerous fpirits : as, i They arenot mercenary,theywill not indent withGod for what theydo; fo much as they may get by theirfer- vice, and nomore loo, they goe on in their work, and leave themfelves to God: let the benefit of that they doe, be what it will, they lofe not their end, ifthey be imployed for Gods mendoe very ill for themfelves, in indenting with God for any fervice 5 for their {trait fpirits cannot imagine , or defire that latitude of good , that the infinite bounty of God would give,if they left themfelves wholly to it. Scnect reproves theopinionoffuck, who Paid a man {houldchoofe a friend, that he might have one, whomight re- f D 3 leave 3y Noj{ri `ut deviril ta- ccam)pueri (7 mazer- culte tortures fuws tdcjti vincunt, & exçrimere ii lisgemitum nee igni4 po- le(T.Lib.5. cap. is. I.