Burroughes - Houston-Packer Collection BS1265.6.C43 B8 1649

c ßiceafd apreCiO4S f frit. 3.9 l and fail , it was Tweeter then rteaar an-i Arnbrofia Iii; reported likewifeof Cannbyjes, who falling in love withhis filter , he a iced the judges whether it were lawfull for him to marry her? theyanfw:erecl, , That they hadno fuck law,bur they hadanorhfr,ihat theKing might do , hatfoever Iiked him ; wher upo rr be triairi.d hr°r. Such bdfe fpiri. tedncflr, cannot &a'nu with Chriftian enerouinefle.. A.tr tle gcrei ous fpirit is not ready to.tak: adva rages aga.nft thofe that ire tinder it Men ofChef fpirirs, love to pity and relieve thofewhom they have at ad, antage, as Et ha, z Kings 6. 22. when he ba-.:" theSyr:ans in the midft of Sam:Irian-1'4 the KicgofIfrael askt him, Shall IBite th. m?fall 1finite them? He anfwered, hou limit not fmite them , Jet breadandwater before them that theymay tare,anddrink, andgoto their Moiler : and heprepared great provi/onfor them , and when thy had eaten and drunk he ent them away. As i3 reportedofthe Lyo', it (pares thole things than fall down and fubmit to it'; but the Wolfe,Bear,Dog, rcnd and tear what theyget holdof,To Ia 4 be Purcas Pilg.pag. 354 °T o quil- qua'fima 16r,magis Cif placabilis træ,Etfaciles motv.Amens gcnerofa: ca- pit. 9r107."4 magnanimo fans eft pro- ftraffe leoni Pugna fuum finem,.cum facet i,of i hai et: pAt lupus trifles in- [tantmorien- tibm urti quecuncque , minor nobili- taufera.