`* a choice aprerzotcs f irit. nd Emperours, G =od can do fift ti m glory and luftre of the wor icy, hut ar, humble broken fpirit, & e Lord cannot defpife. There is no obe `.r that God accounts worth the looking a. in the worlds but fuchan one : ,.jay 66.2. To himwill nook, fayes God. Thehigh: ft hea,ens, the low-ft heart, are the two pl,'ces ofGods muff gl .irious refidence1 Sëventhly, it isa pLblikefpirit, en- larged forpubikegood ; not a narrow, bate, ftraitned fpirit , godlineffe doth tip htily et,lar'e the heart of a man: The Lord perfwade Iaphet to dwell in theTents ofahem; the words fgnzt5e, The Lord enlarge the heart of Iaphet. When a urn is converted , his heart is converted, his heart is enlarged ; and it uft needs be fo , for now atirit makes after the enjoyment of , an infinite t nivcrfall good : now it oens it felf to receiveand imbracea God , in whom it expeé:s all good ; be ore it followed after Jöme poore drops of good in thecreature; but now fifties all is tobeenjoyed in God himfelf; andbe- ing thus enlarged to receive an univero fallgood, it defires toenlarge it felf, as E 3 mach 7.