ß choiceandapreciottsffirlt. 55 Fiat, when it is content to doe pub- like good,where it felf(hall be taken lit- tle noticeof; asmany times the Engine 1 that doth all in great works, is(inward, hidden) not taken noticeof. Secondly, whenhe can be glad, that any publike good work goes on, and profpers,though others be ufed in it,and not himfelfe, to the eclipfing of his light. Thirty, when he is willing tobe u- fed inat y fervice,thoughbut to prepare work for others,which they,not he,fhal have the glory of after he is gone. As Luther,wr:ting toMelarsFthon,encourag. ing him agaiait the strong cppofition that they met with in the caufeof God God (fayes he ) usable to preferve hts own caul,falling, and to rail itfallen ; ifwe be not worthy, let it be dine by others. Such a publike fpirit as this is , is an excellent fpirit indeed, Eighthly , it is a fancifed fpirit: i Theff. 4. g, He bath trade us partakers ofhis holy spirit . Chapt. 5.23. Ipray God fanc`iif e you throughout your whole fpirit andfohle. Sandihed, that is, a Not filch a mixt fpirit, as the com- Eq. mon Potexs eft Deus eau- ram rum labentemfer- vare, lap(am erigere;fi ì nos digni non e rimm,fiat per alias. Melchior Adam in vitaLuth. :ë