6z iampericu- Ium parani., Mo Alex. Agracious [prat. toJefusChriff,fo much the more fin- cerity, and power ofgrace, tobring fo much the more honour to Godand his caufe, and in this it rejoyces ; this was the reafon, why theAfoffles and Mar- tyrs rejoycedfo much intheir fuf Brings for Chrift. Whenrgnatiw felt his flefhand bones begin tobe ground betwixt the teeth of wildebeafts, now layes he, I begin to be a Chriflian. When t...flexander law anapparentgreat dangernearehim , his fpirit works on thismanner; Now fates he, here is a danger fit for the minde of Alexander to encounter withal'. When David at firft heard of being theKings forme in law he was troubled at it. 'Sang. i8. 22. But whenheknew,what adifficult andhazardable fervice hews toundertake for it, then layes theText in the $6. verfe. Itpteafed David :vats bee the Kings fanne in law : that which wouldhave difcouraged others , who wouldgladlyhave had the preferment, that railed the fpirit of David,and made him like theoffer the better; and lure- ly this was not an ordinary , common fpirìt s it was the true magnanimityof the