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--------- Gefpel-Converfation. 93: tions) in bowing, and cringing with Cap, and knee as foon as they let their foot in fome ofour meeting places; and in the mean time abufe the Saints which are the Temples of the holy Ghoft, and abufe their own bodies, and yet they profefs them- felves, Christians ; Oh now; either deny thy Chriftianity, or do not abufe thy body to any filthy lust, for it is the Temple of the holy Ghoff. This the Gofpel holds forth. And let thy Converfation be now as becomes the Gofpel ofJefus Chrift ; not abuíng thy body fo ; For we fee that the Gofpel cals for bodily cleannefs, as well as fpiritual cleannefs, and truly 1 do not know fironger arguments to Godlinefs than thefe that we have menti- oned here in the Gofpel : We have gone thorugh three, Gods infinit hatred of fin. The price of fouls. And the honor that the Gofpel thews that God hath put upon humane nature . Con- verfations but becoming thefe three, would be other manner of converfations than you have. I thall only fpeak of a fourth, and that's this, 4. The Gofpel holds forth thegreatefi example o ffelf-denial that ever Was in the world, & by all waies that ever God bath made known] bis mind, he never bath revealed his will in an example of Pelf- deniall fo as he bath done in the Gofpel ; and that is in the example of theLord Jefus Christ : Cod evidenceth there frith as work of felf- deniall, as never was, and 'tis impoble to apprea bend a greater example of felf denial than that is; though Chrift thought it no robbery to be equal with God ; reade but the fecond of the Philippians, verf. 7, 8. and there you may fee what Chrift was, and yet how lie emptied himfelf, how he denied himfelf in his honor, how vile he was made in the world, though he was the brightnefs of his fathers glory yet he was made of no reputation; how tie-denied himfelf in riches, Chrift that was the Heir of all things, though he were rich, yet he was made poor for us; how he denied him- fell in his pleafures, he was the delight of the Father from all eternity, and yet. he was made a man of forrows; he denied himfelf in his life, for he was the Lord of life and yet he fubjeded himfelf to death, to a curled death for us : Oh the example of Chrift in fell-denial is the greateff that ever was: and this feemes to be one great end of the humiliation of Jefus Chrift