98 Gofjsél-Converfation. Book, only printed in an Englifh letter ; and reading and bab- ling over Burials, and fuch kind oftrumperies, Oh how were thofe old Samaritan cuftoms fetled in the hearts ofmen ? as co- ming up to the Communion Table, and there to kneel down at Rails like fo many Beads-men to the Pope,and Votaries to Rome, Mens hearts are mightily fet upon fuch foolifh things as there are. But now this text tels you, that ifyou know what it is to be redeemed by the blood of Chrifl, you muflknow that the blood ofChrift was filed for to take you off from your vain con- verfation received by tradition from your forefathers : Chrifl feed his blood that he might deliver you from all filch traditi- onal things, that fo you might worfhip God in fpirit and in truth ; this becomes the Gofpel. And at your leafure do but reade over that fecond Chapter of the Epiftle to the Coloffrans, fpeaking of men, that ina voluntary humility, werfhip .9rgels in- truding into thofe things which they have notfern, andvainly puft up by their fleJhly mind. And then in the 16. verfe, . Let no mass therefore judgeyou in meat, or indrink , (not that you may not eat flefh at fuch and filch times in the year) or in reffiec`t ofan holy day, or ofthe new moon, or ofthe Sabbath daies, (theJewifh Sabbath daye) let no man judg you(faith the Apoflle)in regard of thefe things, which are a fbadoW ofthings to come. Then in the 19. verf And not holding the head..Thofe that flood upon fuch things as ;there are, they are here charged for not holding the head, that is, they did not hold Chrifl ; as if the Apoftle fhould fay, If fo be that you hold Chrifl, and profefs Chrifl, youwould not fland upon thefe things, upon thefe kind offuperflitious waies in the worfhip of God. And you fhall find in theEpifkle to the Galatians, the Apoftle telling ofthe Galatians about fuch kind of waies of continuing and holding of the worfhip of the Law, faith he in Gal. 4.10. Ye obferve daies, and months, and times, andyears : What then ? I am afraid of you, left I have beftowed uponyou labor in vain. As if theApoftle fhould fay, I profefs I fee you fland upon fuch old things, and worfhiping of God in an external way ; I am afraid ofyou, left I have be- flowed all my labor in vain : This is fo oppofite to the Go- fpel, as makes me think, and am afraid that all my prea- ching of the Gofpel to you is in vain : and yet markmy Bre- thren . msommi