roo Gof iel-Converfation. the duty is more holy by any holinefs that men'put upon a thing, that's unbefeeming the Gofpel ; and we are redeemed from fuch vain Converfations by the Blood of Chrill ; and whilemen flick upon thefe things, and fay, let them do what they will me thinks thefe things are good and right, ir's very evil. Thus it was with the Galatians, they had more feeming reafon to think that thofe things that they Ruck upon were ac- cording to God thanyou, yet faith the Apoflle, I am afraid of you left t have fpent all my labor in vain, left I have been a burning and íhiningLamp to no purpofe : and truly there is no people ofwhich there can be lefs hope that the Miniltry of the Word fhould work favingly upon, than thofe people that are fet upon old cuftoms in the Wotfhtp ofGod, as Wines upon their lees : and till the Lord be pleafed to take off your hearts from old cufloms in theService andWorfhip of God, there's a plain demonflration that the preaching ofthe Gofpel' bath not prevailed with your hearts, for you do not live as becomes the Gofpel : That which becomes the Gofpel it is worfhiping God only in a fpiritualway, theconfecrating of your fouls and bo- dies, and all you have to the Worfhip ofGod, in making them to be an holy facrifice toGod, and that according to the rules ofthe Gofpel, which isyour reafonablefervice. And that's ano- ther particular that the Gofpel teaches : And therefore to live as becomes the Gofpel, is, to worthip God in fpirit and in truth. The tenth thing that I that' further add of what the gofpe! holds forth tous, and that is offuch confequence that I (hall a little infili upon it, that is, The near relation that weare in to God andChrifl , and JJiritual union with him. This is opened in the Gofpel more fully than ever it was before. The relation to God. Firfl, God as a Father, and Beleevers as Children, yea, and as Children ofage; for though in the Law, it's true ; we find that God was there a Father, and Ephraim was his dear fon : But you Shall find in the 3. of Galatians; That now we are as childrenofage; whereas Beleevers in the time of the Law were under age. Now you know any ofyour Children when they come to beofage, and to live to themfelves, and out of their pprentifhips, then their lives are after another manner than when.