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Gofjiel-Converfatión. 1 0 perfecuted as a fchifmatick ? no certainly ther's a great miftake in this, and this is meerly for want ofcharity ; and that which the holy Ghoft is fo bitter againfl is, whenmen for want oflove to their brethren, and for to ferve their own bate ends make breaches and rents in the Church ; judg fuch now to be guilty of the fin of fchifm and no other ; for that is to breakunity, to judg others guiltyoffchifm, meerly becaufe they differ from you, and cannot read by your fpec`lacles, thefe extreams chat I have fpoken of, are waies that are very much unbefeeming the gofpel of Chrifl for men out of bate ends to break unity, to rend from the Saints ; or otherwife becaufemen joyn not with you in every thing you delire, therefore prefently to put fuch a brand upon them, as to fligmatize them for fchifmaticks,certain- .ly this unchriflian-like nick-naming the children ofGodmain- tains the breach and widens it more and more ; whereas the Converfation that becomes the gofpel is to fludy, to find out the truth. And do I fee Learned and Godly men ofanother judgment ? Let me pray more unto the Father of lights for the Spirit ofrevelation it may be I n:aymiflake ; If I be miftaken, Lord difcover it, let me not go onin the waies ofdarknefs, but take away thp. fcales frommy underflanding, that I may fee in- to the deep things ofGod and his gofpel ; And therefore others that they differ, from fhould tender thefe, as brethren, and look upon them and fee, are they not confciencious in all their other waies? Can I be able to find, any fault with them in their lives and Converfations? It may be it's their miftake, then let me pray for them and labor to help them, and tender them all I can, it may be God will reveal his mind to them more fully af- terward : Now in what we have attained let us walk, and if a- ny be otherwife minded God will reveal his mind.to'them, and this carriage fhould be in Chriflians one towards another, that differ one from another, and this is a Converfation becoming the gofpel : But whenone differs from another, for to give re- viling fpeeches and names ofdifgrace, and to tail dirt one up- on another, this is exceeding unbecoming, the Goipel, yen, if the heathens were amongfl us, they would even loath the Gofpel ofJefus Chaff to fee the carriageof Chriflians that there are at this day amongfl us: But the Converfation that become; the