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Gofel-Converfation. i 17 though I be the great Kingofmy Church appointed by my Fa- ther, yet my Kingdom is not of this world, and I came not hither for pomp and glory. The glory ofChrifl in His King- dom, here is Spiritual. indeed when this world fhall be at an end, then Chrift will appear glorioufly, though the Scripture fpeaks of a world hereafter wherein Chrift fhall appear glori- oufly. but whether perfonally or otherwife that we fpeak not of : But that Chrift fhall appear a glorious King even in the world, not this world, but upon the earth, and yet the Scrip- ture fpeaks of that as another world, a new Heaven, and a new Earth, but for the prefent for that that the Scripture calls this world, we mutt not exped a pompous and glorious Kingdom till there be a newWorld, till there be newHeavens, and a new Earth, this the Gofpel holds forth. Whereas the people of the Jews they thought as loon as the Meflìas came, He prefently fhould be anoutward Monarch, in outward pomp and glory ; no faith Chrift, this world mull pats away firfl, I muff come firft and reign fpiritually in another way, and for my King- dom, there is a time for the glory of it to appear when another world (hall come, but while this world lafls, never expel any fuch outward pomp and glory in the way of my Kingdom, I have a Kingdom indeed here in this world, but it is not of this world , I have a Kingdom wherein I reign fpiritually in the hearts ofmy people, there I have fet up my Throne, and therein I have writ my Laws by which I guide and order all things for their eternal falvation, but my Kingdom is not of this world yea, and he faith likewife in 7ohn 8.23. I am not ofthis world nei- aher. And. 7ohn, is. i9. (for 7ohn that beloved Difciple who lay in the bofom of Chrift he knew much of the mind and heart ofChrift, and was mach inffruc5ed in this myflery , and indeed none ofthofe that did convene ith Chrift knew more of the bofomofChrift than 7ohn did) If were of the world, the worldwould love his own: but becaufeye are not of the world, but I have chofenyou out ofthe world. So that as Chrifi is not of the world, fo the Saints are not oftheworld : in the 17. of 7ohn i 4. I have given them thy Word, and the World bath hated them, bc- canfethey arenot ofthe World, even as Iamnot ofthe world. Mark, as I am not of the world, fo they are not of the world : thus the