1; 4. Gofpel-Converfation. . in Heb. ió. 32. After ye Were illuminated (that is, by the gof- pel) then he (peaks of their great fufferings, they were willing to endure any thing for Chrift ; therefore a Converfation that becomes the gofpel is fuch an one as exemplarily demonfirates the very power ofgodlinefs; that men and women fhould not be alttaie.r learning andnever come to the knowledgof the truth, not alwaies walling and defiring , and never come to any power- ful refolutions and determinations for certainly where the Gofpel bath the upper hand in a foul, it doth bring power, but I donot fay itbrings power fo as to overcome all our lulls, fo as there fhould be no fin remaining, for fo long as we live, we muff be hungering after a further degree of righteoufnefs and fanaitcation; but certainly when the Gofpel prevails, there comes a great ftrengch ; there's the ffrength ofChrift put forth, the Spirit of Power (as the Apoflle faith) We have notreceived the f pirit offear, but the Spirit of oflove, and ofafoundmind' be not therefore afhamedofthe teftimonyof our Lord As if Paul had faid to Timothy, its true, you meet with many difficulties, but bath not the Gofpel givenyou Spirit of power; There's fpi- rit ofpower and refolution when the gofpel comes in. Timothy was a poor. weakly,. Gckly man in his body, and Paul himfelf had no bodily prefence with him, a poor contemptible man in regard ofhis bodily prefence, but hehad a Spirit ofPower given him by the Gofpel; fo we fhould manifeft a fpirit ofpower, that is as becomes the Gofpel ofChrift. Lafily, TheGofpel ofChrifi is a glorious Gofpel. z Tim. r. z r. it is call'd there by the name ofa glorious Gofpel, According to the gloriouoGofpel ofthebleffedGod. Mark, what a Title is here? the Gofpel is the glorious Gofpel of the blefTed God, that is, theglory of all the Attributes of God doth appear in the gol- pel more brightly than they do appear in all the works that God path made ; There doth appear indeed a great deal of the glo- ryofGod in the Heavens, Earth, and Seas, and you have Peen much of the glory of God there,but I appeal to you in this,Have you feen more ofthe glory of God in the gofpel, than ever you did in all the Works that God bath made ? . that were a good argument that you have had a true underfianding of the gof- pel, and that the Spirit ofGod bath fhined into our hearts, if