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Gofel-Converfation. 135 Pilat requires ofhim to anfwer to the Charge, (whether it were fo or no, that He bath made Himfelfa King.) Now you shall find in the anfwer ofChrift, He doth not deny the thing, but implicitlygrants it, neither dothhe anfwer him fully to his mind, but faith, MyKingdom is not ofthis world. lu) Kingdom] As ifhe should fay, I acknowledg that I have a Kingdom, as mean and low as I am brought now, though I hand here before you as a defpifed man, a Carpenters fon yet I confefs I have a Kingdom, but it is not ofthis world. Not ofthis world] He doth not fay, not I N this world, but faith, it is not O F this world, it is nota worldly Kingdom. We have in the words thefe tow things. Firft, That Chrift hath a Kingdom. Secondly, What kind of Kingdom Chrifts is, Not of this world. I fhall not here fpeak much unto the former, and fo to han- die the common placeofChriíts Kingly Office, but only hint it to you as it makes way to the latter, there we fhall flay a while. Chrift he bath a Kingdom, He is anointed by the Father to beKing, as well as Prieít, and Prophet of His Church : Pfal- 45 .6.ThyThroneOGod,isfor ever and ever,the Scepter ofthy King- dom ù a right Scepter : (that Pialm is a Prophetic of Chrift : ) And in the i 9. of Revel. r 6. Chrift is there called, The King of Kings and Lordof Lords ; Chrift God-man, is the KingofHea- ven and Earth, Chrift God -man, is the King of Angels and o- ver all the World ; and we muff knowChrift as a King, and aEt our faith upon him as a King or elfe we knowHim not a- right,we have not the trueworkoffaith except (I fay) our faith a1 upon Him as a King as well as a Savior : In Ads,2. 36. God bath [lade Him (faith the text) both Lord and Chrift : Mark,He is nor only Chrift, but Lord and Chrift ; though it is true, that in the word Chrifi all His Offices are implyed, which signifies, anointed to them all ; but yet this is exprcfled by its felf, Lord andChrift, for indeed properly He is Chrift unto His Church ; but