GofJel-Converfation. Office : Now thisKingdomof Chrift it was ever fince there was a Church, but it was very darkunder clouds and curtains, the gloryof it was little till the fecond Perlon came to be manife- fted in the flefh, then indeed this Mediatory Kingdom ofChrift carie tobe revealedabundantly, more cleerly, than before, and Chrift exercifed it more fully ; this is that which the Scripture fo often in the Gofpel cats the Kingdom ofHeaven. Repentfor the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand : 'tis not of this world, but it's call'd the Kingdom of Heaven ; the Mediatory Kingdom of Chrift is not of this world ; there's a great deal of difference between a worldly Kingdom and this Kingdom ofChrift. And that's the fubje 1 that I am now to open to you, HowChrifts Kingdom is not of this world, thevaft differencebetween world- ly Kingdoms and Chrifts kingdom, which you will find to be a point ofvery great life. Frift,Chrifts kingdom hath not that pomp and glory,that bra- very andgalantry thatthe kingdoms ofthe world have;you know in the kingdoms of the world there's a great deal of outward pomp and glory ; Bernice and Agrippa, they carne in great pomp (the text faith ;) the kings of the earth have glorious at- tendance. Chrift kath no fuch thing, His attendance was a few poor Fifher--men : kings have great Courts, and crowded. with Courtiers His Court was but fmall, only a few offur fa kind of men, mean and contemptible, taken from the hedges, and out of the high waies : They have fumptuous Pallaces Chrift had not a place to hide His head here in this world He faith himfelf, that the Foxes have holes, and the Birds ofthe aire have nefts, but the Son ofMan hath not wherewithal to hide His head, and yet a great king for all that : Surely it was not of this world. The kings of the earth have all kind of delicates that this world can afford, they carry things in great Rate : It was not fo with Chrift, Zech. 9.9. Rejoyce greatly ,OhDaugh- ter of Zion fhout Oh Daughter, of Jerufalem ; behold thy king cometh unto thee,he is juft,& having falvation,lowly and riding upon an Afs, and upon a Colt, the foal of an Afs. He comes low-, ly and mean,the way ofChrift in this his kingdom is a way of hu- mility & outward meannefs and lowlinefs, it is a way ofoutward contempt, fcorn and derifion, this is the way ofthekingdom of Chrifl, AA.A.A._ :.1. ,.::,..._ _ ._.___ .. ..r__.: AllNe .._:-A-A.,. AMA