142 Golel-Converfation. world. The ceremonies ofthe Law arecall'd here the elements' ofthe world, that we were in bondage to, while we were chit= dren, for though we were fubjed to Chrif} then, yet we were but in our non-age ; and indeed in comparifon of what we are in the times ofthe Gofpel we were (laves rather than fubjec`ls ; we were then in bondage : and then in Col. 2. 8. leWarele any manfpoilyoss throughPhilofophy andvain deceit,after the tradi- tion ofmen, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Chrif , [_after the rudiments ofthe world]Thefe rudiments of the world they had fome reference (as it appears in reading this Chapter) unto the ceremonies of the Law, and together with them there was mixture of mens own inventions, they were the rudiments of the world, not after Chrift ; you do not acknowledge Chrifl to be a King when you worfhip him in a worldly way, after the rudiments of the world ; As now for inhlance, be- caufe men were wont to honor the Prefence Chamber where the King fits, when you go into it you are to be uncovered : Now like unto that (according to the way of the world) men think that becaufe they meet here for Religious ends to worfhip God, that when they come (at any time in the week)into fuch a place as this is, they mull come uncovered ; now this is after the rudiments of the world, you think to worfhip this King after the fame way, but his way ofworfhip is no fuch low in- flitation. And as they bowed to the Chair of State, and fo they would bow with pay and knee to the Communion Table that they call'd the Alter; now thefe are according to the rudi- ments of the world ; but Chrifls Kingdom is not ofthis world, His worship mull be fpiritual, in Heb. 9. r. Then verily thefirft Covenant had alto Ordinances of Divine Service, and a Worldly Sanflua,y. Mark, in the time of the Law it was but a worldly SanEtuary in comparifon of what is now in the times of the Go- fpel ; thofe waies of worfhip though they were once appointed byGod. Chrifl the King ofHis Church in the newTeffament would not have His homage tendered up by thefe waies of worship, they were too- worldly for Him; `then furely to have the inventions ofmen in the worfhip of Chrifl, in the newTefla- ment efpecially, it is too worldly for Chrilt ; No it mull be Divine