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Goffei Converfation. Divine and Spiritual, he that worfhips, muff worfhip inf;rit and in truth : all that worfhipand homage we tender up to Jefus Chriff, we muff look to have it fpiritual and not worldly ; and . fo the Ordinances, though they have fomething external, as the Sacraments, yet ifwe flick to the outward part, we do not worfhip 'Chrifl as our King in a right way ; but we muff be fpi- ritual in all, look upon the fpiritual part in all Ordinances, or elfe (I fay) we do not tender up that homage to Chriff that is due to Him, as the King ofHis Church. Sixthly , Chrifis Kingdom is not of this world : that is, The Officers that Chrifíz hash appointed, for thegovernment of His Church, are not of this world, are not to be ofthis world ; but they are all to be by Divine InJitution. Obferve the difference in the Adminifiration ofChrifís Kingdom,and the worldly Kingdoms : In the Kingdoms of this world men may invent as many new Officers as they pleafe, they mayerred new Officers in a State and Cammon- wealth : But all the men in the world cannot er- red any one new Office in the Church, cannot make one new Officer otherwife than is in the Word ; we do not reade of any name as Tryers there : Now though we do not find Officers ofStates in the Word, yet a Human Creation is enough, as the Apoflle cals it, Be fubjed to every Ordinance ofmen. You have it in Peter, the word that is there tranflated, Ordinance ofmen, it is, a Humane Creation. In the Church there can be no newOf- ficers created : Chrifl bath made Paflors, and Tea.chers,Elders, and Decons,and Widdows in the Church ; and not any new fort can be added by all the men in the world. And therfore it was heretofore, as in Popery, fo in Prelacy, they would ere& a new kind ofReligion (as they call'd it) more fpiritual, and fo made the Kingdom of Chriff like unto the Kingdom of theworld, and thought that they Lid power to make as many new Officers in the Church as theypleafed. Certainly thiswas a derogation from the Kingdom of Chriff, they made it too worldly. A fecond difference in the Church - Officers from the Officers in theKingdoms of the world,is this,If once they be put into fuch a place in thechurch,they have the ful powerof the place. As fup- ofe now a Pallor or aTeacher bath as much power as any one Pa- llor or Teacher upon the face of the earth;there cannot be adif- ference between x-f3