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Gof#el-Canverf. tion. Panl had lived even to the day ofJudgment than to have diedi and fo to be nothing and turned into duff ; but he faith, that when he died, hefhould be with Chrift, which was better for him but that which fwayed him on the otherfide,why he fhould be willing to live, it was this, That he might be ufeful to the Churches, Neverthelef$, it ùbetterforyou that I fhould abide in the flefh. Service to the Churches is the great caufe that makes one who hath made his peace with God, to be willing to live, it is not that he may live in cafe, and enjoy pleafure to the flefh, but that he may live and doe fervice for God, that makes him wil- ling to live. And thenhe tels them, he is confident he fhall con- tinue with them a while for the futherance of their faith, and that by his coming to them their rejoycing fhould be more a- bundant; but in the mean time, whether I do come, or come not,Only let your converfation be as becometh theGofpel of Chrifi. As ifhe fhould fay, I(hall the morewillingly live, my life wil be the more comfortable to me; it will fomthing recompence my abfence from Heaven, my flaying from the joyes of it ; if 'your Converfation be as becometh the Gofpel ofJefus Chrift : IfI may hear from you being abfent, or when I come to you, I may fee that your Converfation be as becometh the Gofpel of Jefus Chrifl. This is the dependancyofthe words. For the openingof the words. Only ] Only letyour converjation. That is as if he fhould fay, be not folicitous about me and my fufferings, and what (hall become ofme, and whether I fhall come to you or not, be not fo carefull about that; only letyour care be takenup about this great bulinefs, Thatyour converfation be as becometh the goffel ofChrifi: for faies he,this fhould be the main thing that I fhould aim at if Mould come to you; this is that I fhould put you upon and give you directions about, That your Converfation be as becometh theGofpel of Jefus Chrift: And if I be abfent there is not any thing I delire more to hear of than this, That you that have received the Gofpel ofChrift frommy hands (as it were) through my Minifiry, that your Converfation be as becometh the Gofpel of Jefus Chrift. Brethren, ifwe had Pod here,prerent with us, or preaching among us; or if he were a- live